Thursday, 25 October 2007

Ebonics and Gangsta Talk

Everyone I know..know how much I hate people who talk/write in this if they have just stepped off the sets of a Snoop Dogg video...I have heard enough reasons as to why they talk like that...but it still aint good enough of an excuse...below I have decided to write in Ebonics so ppl who talk/write in this way can understand my point...Enjoy!!!

On da 'net or off, "gangsta" jive makes me wants ta reach out an' slap someone. It wuz born out o' ignorance an' lack o' education, an' it'ssomehow become "hip" ta celebrate havin' da IQ o' uh potato. How da hell iz we's supposed ta raise uh nation o' literate an' educated adults when dey, in da werdz o' Stewart Gilligan Griffin, don' actually speak da language so much as chew on it an' spit it out? The rest o' da civilized world learns proper English so dat dey may communicate wiff da West in bidness an' science. Da country of English Origin dat iz Britian- uh land dat iz slowly becoming illiterate in der own language. There'suh huge number o' peeps who don' even speak English in dis here country, or don' speak it fluently enough ta function without uh translator. Those dat *do* speak da language iz destroying it wiff deez lame-ass **standardizations. Ebonics iz not, an' never will be, uh "real" language, nahh matter how many dictionaries iz made. It'smerely an attempt ta legitimize somethin' dat wouldn't exist had kids paid attention during they grammar studies. I see some folks here saying "I'm educated, an' I jive like this". Sure, why not? It'snot yo' normal mode o' speech, an' you definitely in da minority in dat regard.

You gots ta know da rules in order ta be allowed ta break dem. I fully believe da majority o' da peeps who throttle they native tongue in dis here fashion *don't* know o' any other way, an' *won't* be able ta switch ta proper English on uh job interview. Language iz uh means ta convey ideas. If ya can git yo' ideas across, you've communicated, correct? Well, not entirely. One particularly idiotic facet o' gangsta jive iz how quickly it morphs into somethin' even mo' mad stupid. When wuz da last tyme ya heard somebody use da term "def"? The rap world held uh "funeral" fo' da werd uh few years back, signifying dat it became too mainstream ta keep usin'. So in other werdz, da language ain't tight unless da only peeps who can dig' ya iz yo' "homies". Sort o' defeats da purpose o' learning how ta communicate if nahh one can dig' ya. I don' dig' it when peeps jive ta me like dis here. If ya speak ta me in dis here fashion, I will immediately brand ya uh moron an' tell ya ta git uh dictionary. I'll also laugh at ya behind yo' back fo' usin' werdz like "foshizzle" in serious conversation. It's become mo' widespread primarily due ta da mainstream acceptance o' urban culture due ta MTV turning into da "All Rap Channel", which means kids'll do it 'cause dey seen it on MTV an' MTV iz da shizzle. Oh, d*mn. So uh, in short... yeea . It's lame. Grow up, git uh dictionary, an' learn how ta speak da same language da rest o' us do. A particular musician once sang, "it don' matter if you black or white" (and he would know, he's been both). Learn how ta conjugate da verb "to be". I guarantee you'll be uh bettah person fo' it.

Peace & Respect Bludz
- B.I.G Skarsten & X-Pac Niro

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